Young Plasma

Tony Wyss-Coray PhD & Young Plasma

Tony Wyss-Coray PhD is a Professor of Neurology at Stanford University. He presents that circulatory blood factors can rejuvenate old brains.

Dian Ginsberg MD & Young Plasma

Dian Ginsberg MD presents at RAADfest 2023 showing how young blood plasma therapy significantly slows the pace of aging

Dian Ginsberg MD & Young Plasma

Dian Ginsberg MD presents in 2022 that plasma from young donors has been shown to bring positive effects in neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, blood glucose numbers, eyesight, back pain, autoimmune issues, psoriasis and more.


2023 August
Multi-omic rejuvenation and life span extension on exposure to youthful circulation
"drastically reduced the epigenetic age of blood and liver based on several clock models using two independent platforms."
"we demonstrate here for the first time that exposure to the young circulatory system leads to systemic and persistent reversal of biological age, and this effect correlates with a longer lifespan, improved physiological parameters, and a rejuvenated epigenome and transcriptome."

2022 March
Molecular hallmarks of heterochronic parabiosis at single-cell resolution
"aged blood reduces global gene expression, and young blood restores it in select cell types"
"young blood both reverses age-related profiles and initiates novel pathways"
"rejuvenation of genes encoding components of the electron transport chain is especially striking"

2020 June
Blood Serum Stimulates p38-Mediated Proliferation and Changes in Global Gene Expression...
"profound effects on gene expression depending on the age and sex of the plasma donor"
"rejuvenating effect of young blood and blood plasma on various adult stem cell populations"
"demonstrated beneficial effects on the molecular, structural, functional and even cognitive level"

2020 March
Brain Endothelial Cells Are Exquisite Sensors of Age-Related Circulatory Cues
"infusions of young plasma into aged mice exert rejuvenation effects on the capillary transcriptome"

2014 June
Young blood reverses age-related impairments in cognitive function and synaptic plasticity in mice